located in Details Hair Studio
429 NY-146, Clifton Park
hair studio

Toni's Kids
Toni’s kids is a foundation created by the owners of Zen Hair Studio in honor of Toni “Mema” DesBois, a co-owner of our salon who passed away on September 18th, 2014 of ovarian cancer.
Toni spent the majority of her life taking care of other people. As a professional caregiver she helped people who had cancer live out their final days with dignity. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer shortly after her last patient passed away. Toni was also a grandmother who was an integral part of raising her two grandchildren and a family relative who needed someone to give him an opportunity to change his life.
In Toni’s memory and in the memory of two family friends (single parents who left behind young children) we want to help children whose parents have passed away from cancer.
If you would like to know more information about Toni's Kids, please visit www.facebook.com/toniskidsfoundation

One life's journey
One Life’s Journey, a 501c3 non-profit, was started in January 2014 to help others maintain their self-image by provided prosthesis including wigs, permanent makeup and even reconstruction surgery. Their non-profit organization enables One person to connect to another One through a donation of hair, financial support or by volunteering.
Zen Hair Studio participates in sending hair to the One life's journey organization.
If you would like to know more information about One life's journey,
please visit their website at www.onelifesjourney.org

Things of my Very Own
Things of My Very Own, Inc. provides crisis intervention services to children impacted by
extensive abuse and/or neglect. Services are also available to children who are, solely due to
the lack of items necessary for sustainability, at risk of a Child Protective Services intervention. Their goal is to keep children together with non-abusive family members,
and out of the foster care system, whenever possible.
If you would like to know more information about Things of my Very Own, please visit their website at http://thingsofmyveryown.org